Sunday, December 4, 2011

How crucial is the Euro currency to holding the EU together as a political body?

Optional : And what do you think the future of the Euro (currency) will be like given the way Ireland, Greece and Spain are in right now?

Would any of the steps they have to take cause the Euro (currency) to devalue?|||Having one single currency is one of the basic stepping stones on the EU. One single market, one single currency.

California's been a pain in America's *** because of its public debt and deficit and no one is thinking about killing the dollar or expelling California out of the USA.

Also, the fact that some countries have problems is not because of the Euro but because of the politicians that ruled these countries.

After this crisis what's going to happen in Europe is that European leaders will be stronger than national leaders. Either that or coming back to 1930s, which is not really a positive thing.|||The EU wasfounded in 1956, the Euro was introduced in 1998, so i cant see how it would be needed for the survival of the political union.

It is an expression of the union, not a condition for it.|||The Euro is just the currency that Europe decided to have, simply because Europe is politically joined. The Euro has no power whatsoever to hold Europe together politically.

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