Thursday, December 8, 2011

If i invest in older us currency now and buy stuff off ebay at cheap prices is this a good investment?

Say compared to stocks and other things. How much does old united states currency go up per year %.|||%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;If i invest in older us currency now and buy stuff off ebay at cheap prices is this a good investment?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

Older U.S. currency, like other collectables, sometimes is a good investment, but not always. As a general rule the more expensive items are likely to see larger percentage price increases than less expensive items.

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Say compared to stocks and other things. How much does old united states currency go up per year %.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

In general the percent gain per year is less than you would get from stocks unless you own some of the rarer items. For example, if you sold a 1928 series $1,000 bill in good condition to a retailer, he would probably pay you about $1,200 for it. That is an increase of 20% over 80 years, or 0.25% a year uncompouded. On the other hand, a rare variation of that bill, one in GEM crisp uncirculated (65)condition with a star in the serial number from St. Louis, is currently valued at $47,500.|||Collector items like coins aren't investments. They are illiquid, unique (therefore hard to price), subject huge swings due to market taste, and the dealers' markups and auction house commissions will take care of any potential profit. They may not appear unique, but quality is a big determiner of value. What do expert dealers and collectors look for in wear when determining if a coin or bill is a good example? You need to know this and see the pieces for yourself.

Buy them because having them brings you enjoyment.

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