Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the highest valued currency as of today? How do you determine a currency's value?

Where do I find out the highest valued currency? What currency has consistently been the most stable and highest? What is a good safe currency? I know the USD is falling, and I do know there are other more valuable currencies right now.|||Brazil has the highest value of currency as of today. To measure, it need a parity index using the US dollar as a basis or 100. Brazil money has the highest value compared to US dollar.It used to be Swiss France,but not today.|||A currency has a "high" value if the exchange rates allows it to purchase more goods and services in other countries than it can in domestic markets. As a rough approximation the highest would be the country where a big mac cost the most.鈥?/a> or you can look up the PPP values.

I think the swiss franc is considered the most stable. If you live in the US the safest thing is to buy TIPS (inflation protected securities) from the treasury, you will not make a much of a profit in "real" dollars but you money will hold its purchasing power. Foreign exchange markets are for risk takers not people who are looking for safety.

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