Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to Get out of The US Dollar Currency?


I have $100k and looking to invest in other markets and currencies, but it seems that everything requires you to earn your profits back in USD. I want to GET OUT of the US Dollar because I do not feel it is a safe currency to be in. Does anyone know a way to invest in other major world currencies or stocks to get out of the USD and earn profits in another currency like the Euro or Norwegian Krone? Thanks!|||The easiest way is to buy mutual funds or ETFs that invest in stocks outside the US. There's lots of them, both single country funds and regional funds. I have money in Vanguard's European ETF (VGK), Pacific Rim ETF (VPL), and Emerging Market ETF (VWO). These funds are all priced in dollars but their underlying assets are in other currencies so they go up when the dollar goes down and vice versa, more of the latter than the former lately.

There are also a few banks in the US that offer accounts in other currencies. Everbank has the lowest minimums. If you have over $100K to invest, HSBC's Premier program will let you open accounts in HSBC branches in other countries in their local currency.

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